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Letter From Coach Rob

Parents, what a Summer!!


Last week we wrapped up our Nationals Tournaments for the 2018 Select Teams. It’s been an incredible journey, as every team went out competed and gave their best. They exemplified Hustle, Heart, and Hardwork.


The journey began with 4th and 8th Select participating and finishing in the Final 4 of our first ever USSSA Nationals in Orlando at the Gaylord Palms.


Our 7th Select Black followed up with a 3rd Place finish in their respective division at AAU Nationals in Orlando.


5th Select also had their AAU National tournament in Orlando and moved up from 9 place to 5th place in the Nation for AAU Division ll.


7th Select Gold placed 13th in their AAU Nationals tournament in North Carolina.


Our 6th grade Select team placed 4th in the Nation in their first ever AAU Nationals tournament appearance in Virginia!!


Our success on the court was amazing but what we accomplished off the court was personally my FAVORITE part of this journey. The bonding, the memories, the friendships, the love, the laughter, the pride, the joy- that’s what this is all about and those are the things we remember most. This experience is so much bigger than Basketball and I’m extremely proud and grateful to have shared it with all these teams. Last year we had 2 teams play at the National level and this year we had 6!! There’s a lot of Hustle, Heart, and Hard work that goes into all of our Select teams but the one feature that really stands out is Commitment! The teams that have stuck together and put in the work have reached the highest level of success and competition.


As we continue to improve and grow, more kids will have the opportunity to compete at a higher level and more Select teams will be built. I will be meeting with teams within the next week and a half to discuss the plan for the upcoming 2018-2019 Competitive Basketball Season. Also next week August 6th I will be hosting our Select week at both Doral and Kendall Camp. It is our most competitive week of the Summer featuring our annual camp wars at St Timothy vs Camp Merlo!!


Our 4 Phase program has proven effective. The balance and structure throughout the year allows our teams to peak at the right time. 


Division breakdown for Phase 1:

Rookies: lower basket 

Pros: small ball 28.5

All stars: regulation ball 29.5


Phase 1: Hustle. This phase is where Hustle is emphasized and efficiency in workouts and practices are developed. Our Select, Elite, and Recreational players are separated by age 

7,9,11Pros Small Ball 28.5

13,15,HS Regulation Ball 29.5


During this time our coaches will be going through our new enhanced Coaches training program and they will also coach and Work with players from different teams and age divisions. We will evaluate the coaches and develop our new Select and Elite coaching units. The purpose of the Coaching units are to provide consistency throughout the year amongst coaches, players, and parents. 

Thank you for your attention to this and for being a part of the Thunder Family. None of this would be possible without your commitment and dedication. Let's make this season a GREAT one! 

Thank you, 

Coach Rob

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